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Dwarven Champion

Hit Die: d10


Class Skills: The champion's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Craft (INT), Diplomacy (CHA), Handle Animal (CHA), Intimidate (CHA), Jump (STR), Listen (WIS), Perform (CHA), Profession (WIS), Ride (DEX), Sense Motive (WIS) and Spot (WIS).

Skill Points: 2 + INT bonus each level

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A champion is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Champions are proficient with all armors and shields.

Table: The Champion

Base Attack Bonus
Fortitude Save
Reflex Save
Will Save
Dwarven Resilience: +1
Aura of Courage
Battle Poem 1/day, Battle Oath 1/day 
Dwarven Resilience: +2
Aura of Justice
Battle Poem 2/day, Battle Oath 2/day 
Dwarven Resilience: +3
Commanding Presence
Battle Poem 3/day, Battle Oath 3/day 
Dwarven Resilience: +4

Class Features

Dwarven Resilience: Starting at 1st level, the champion gains the incredible toughness and defensive prowess only the dwarves can master. This improves at levels 4, 7 and finally at level 10. The bonus indicates the bonus to AC the champion gains as well as the Damage Reduction the champion enjoys. Thus, at level 10, the champion gains a +4 AC bonus and has 4/- Damage Reduction. This is an extraordinary ability.

Aura of Courage: At 2nd level, the champion gains supernatural courage, a gift from his patron god. The champion himself is totally immune to all types of fear, magic or mundane. In addition, the aura of leadership and divine power the champion projects extends this aura to those allies within 10' of the champion. They receive a +4 morale bonus to all fear saves while within the champion's aura. This is a supernatural ability.

Battle Poem : At 3rd level, the champion gains the ability to inspire those around him through the recitation of specially crafted dwarven battle hymns, poems, and chants. These always feature his patron deity and inspire others to greatness. The champion affects himself and up to 1 other ally of his choice (by including his name or identity in the hymn, making eye contact, gesturing, etc.) per champion level, within hearing of the champion. If the champion is silenced, this effect ends. The champion crafts these poems, hymns or chants ahead of time (using Craft (Poems/Hymns/Chants)) and commits them to memory then when the time comes he recites them. Reciting a Battle Poem takes a Standard Action, so that is likely the champion’s action for that round, unless he is hasted. During that action, the champion makes either a Perform (Oratory) check or a Craft (Poems/Hymns/Chants) check, whichever he desires (the Craft check is really made when he actually designs the poem, but for the sake of game play, have him make it at the time he uses it). Either check gains a +2 synergy bonus because he has 5 ranks in the other skill that helps him with whichever skill he actually ends up using. The check result determines the outcome, he will either fail to inspire or will inspire to some degree based on the check result. While inspired, himself included, the champion bestows a morale bonus to attacks, damage and Will saves based on the check result. A DC 15 is required to get any result at all, and this gives a +1 morale bonus. A DC 30 gives a +2 and DC 45 a +3. Every +15 DC higher gives another +1 additional morale bonus. This effect lasts as long as the champion recites for up to 3 + the champion’s CHA bonus in rounds. The champion can continue to recite in addition to his normal actions, but cannot cast spells or use magic items with a verbal component while he is reciting. A champion can only inspire others a certain number of times per day indicated at each level, and never more often than 1 time in any single encounter. This is a supernatural, mind affecting ability.

Battle Oath : At 3rd level, the champion can designate a single opponent in battle, and swear a Battle Oath to defeat that foe in that battle. This Oath only applies to that battle and only 1 Battle Oath can be taken per battle. The champion gains a morale bonus to his attacks, damage and Will saves against that one opponent for that combat, and only if he exclusively attacks that foe. If he changes foes or moves away from that foe in combat, he loses this bonus for that battle and suffers the same penalty his foes suffer within his Aura of Justice. This penalty can be removed with atonement. This morale bonus is equal to half his champion level (rounded down) and it does not stack with the Battle Poem morale bonus, he takes the higher of the 2 if both are in effect at the same time.

Aura of Justice: At 5th level, you represent the Justice of both your god and your land, and strike terror and despair into those who oppose you. All enemies within 10' of you suffer a -1 despair penalty to all attack rolls, skill checks, damage rolls and saving throws. This is a supernatural ability.

Commanding Presence: At 8th level, your inspiring words and presence have a greater effect. Your Aura of Courage and Aura of Justice now extend 30'. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus to your Leadership Score and a +2 to your Diplomacy checks. This is an extraordinary ability.